TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Reverse Lights and 5 Speed swaps
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Subject Reverse Lights and 5 Speed swaps
Posted by Jay Gadsby on December 11, 2019 at 11:29 AM
  This message has been viewed 167 times.
Message Hey gents and maybe ladies. Been a long time but I got another Z from a young man who had no business working on cars. Fixed a lot of problems but one is stumping me.

I have replaced the switch on the transmission, I have continuity in the wiring harness all the way to the splice at the 7 pin connector behind the passenger headlight, and when I jump the wiring harness side of the circuit with the key in the run position, the lights work. But actually putting the car in reverse does nothing.

Since the switch is a plunger type. I am assuming that when the car is in reverse, it depresses the plunger, closing the circuit and allowing the lights to work. I put the car in reverse and I was not able to get continuity across the switch pins. More assumptions, but I am assuming what ever is in the transmission that depresses the plunger is no longer operational and that is what is causing my problems.

I am hoping you guys can shed some light on this or confirm my fears. I really do not want to have to rig up a switch just to pass inspection, but I will do what I have to do. Thanks all.

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